Monday, September 01, 2014

US Air Force Interested in, but not yet Commiting to Replacing Russian RD-180 Rocket Engine

When the Air Force issued a Request for Information about an engine to replace the RD-180 it began to look as if they were serious about committing to build the first new rocket engine in decades.

But we also received two new RD-180 engines from Russia the same day as the RFI went out, the United Launch Alliance announced. That bolstered those who argue that Russia needs the revenue so much and is so committed to space cooperation that our sanctions against Russia to punish them for Ukraine will not stop the flow of the cheap, highly reliable engines. Three more engines are due to arrive this fall, and I’m betting they arrive.

Just to make sure the Air Force or OSD hadn’t snuck something past us, I checked to see if any policy decisions had been made or memos approved to allow spending for a new engine.

Here are the responses to my questions about whether a policy decision has been made to proceed with a new engine or to create a budget line to find one from Maj. Eric Badger, Air Force spokesman:

“No, there has not been a policy decision made to buy a new engine.”

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