Sunday, August 02, 2015

Mt GOX CEO to be Charged With Embezzlement, Misuse of Customer Funds

Mark Karpeles, the head of the collapsed MtGox Bitcoin exchange who was arrested in Tokyo, is facing fresh allegations that he misused $8.9 million in customers' deposits, Japanese media reported Sunday.

French-born Karpeles, 30, was arrested on Saturday after a series of fraud allegations led to the Tokyo-based exchange's spectacular collapse last year and hammered the digital currency's reputation.

Karpeles is suspected of manipulating data on the exchange's computer system in 2013 to artificially create about $1.0 million in Bitcoins, while police were also investigating his possible involvement in a massive loss of the virtual currency in 2014.

He was sent to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office Sunday morning for further questioning, public broadcaster NHK said.

Police now suspect that he illegally spent customer deposits worth about 1.1 billion yen ($8.9 million), according to NHK and the best-selling Yomiuri newspaper.

He is suspected of misusing the funds privately and sending them to his other firms, the news reports said.

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