Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Getting some personal overload at the moment.

First, we're trying to move. A new apartment is needed with Baby Baird on the way. Second it'd be nice to save some dinero with Baby Baird coming. We're negotiating our way into a nicer community but its fraying me at the edges with Lyuda inquiring all the time how things are going (she's in class most of the day) and everything else going on.

Second, we're trying to buy Lyuda a car. My Jeep Islander is not a baby mobile. We're going to keep the Jeep. However, we need another one. I'm not having fun here at all. She ahs her preference. it looks like we're going to get it. We'll see. Dickering != fun.

Third, she's back in classes. *I* am effectively doing the dictionary retrievals for her. Makes getting anything else done when she's doing her English rough.

At work, I've been working on two papers and a deployment plan. One that I planned on doing profiling the cluster file systems available for AIX and linux. The second is that I am effectively, but prolly not officially, collaborating on security requirements for center wide shared file systems. The deployment plan is to cross-mount lustre between two systems. It's been the bane of my existence. Let's leave that there lest I say something in a blog that I will regret later.

I am done with _Collapse_. My BSometer went off at the end. I'll summarize in the next few days his twelve major points. I promised to do that on alt.history.future, but I got snookered the past few days at lunch into debating work related issues. It just happened again today a few minutes ago much to my annoyance.

I started the phytoremediation book. I already have two pages of notes and a page of thoughts. I have a seperate notebook for this project and I am trying to keep each area in it labeled very distinctly. If the ratio of notes and thoughts to pages read holds up, I am going to have about 35 pages of notes and 15 pages of thoughts. My intent is to base the business plan off of these notes and thoughts. We have a bsic working model for one, but it will need to be refined. Interestingly, there are two sites in the US already using phytoextraction for mining nickel. Fascinating. There are three companies that are working in this space already that would be direct competitors that I have found. Unfortunately, they look like they're better pedigreed than we will be. They already have some of the best research universities in the field sown up. I suspect that's because they were spun off from those U's, so licensing those U's genengineered plants will be difficult at best. The book notes for some applications you simply must use genengineering. I don't have the queeziness that others might so we'll see. None of the other competitors seems to have the same model for business either. We'll see if I'm approaching this sanely or not by the end. Don't worry, I'm not base everything off of one book. I have 12 in the queue and then I'll be doing interviews.

I've been also working on getting individuals stoked about the Primer from Stephenson's book. Basic idea's on how to impliment it or at least a prototype have come together. I'll have to start hacking sometime relatively soon. The funny part is that its not the hardware that's really hard. It's the adaptive and instructive story telling that is.

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