Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I'm a knight...boggle

I was looking over some shwian blogs and saw the 'Who would you be in 1400' test. I took it. I turned out to be a knight:

The Knight
You scored 23% Cardinal, 46% Monk, 44% Lady, and 62% Knight!

You are the hero. Brave and bold. You are strong and utterly selfless. You are also a pawn to your superiors and will be lucky if you live very long. If you survive the Holy wars you are thrust into you will be praised for your valor and opportunities both romantic and financial will become available to you.

For my age group, I scored better than 23% on cardinal, 56% on monk, 51% on lady (hrm), and 79% on knight. IDK what to think of my age group.

The description of me doesn't really fit either. 'Pawn to your superiors...' *ROFLMAO* Heck, my superiors would roflmao too if they heard that. Bah. The test was just too short...if fun.

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