Thursday, April 21, 2005

Quick Kidlet update

Avrora went to the doctor's last night. I called into Kaiser just to verify that the goop in her left eye isn't anything to worry about. The advice nurse popped a gasket about me not being worried: my siblings all had this problem at one point or another. Avrora had no redness, no fussiness, no fever, no coughing, and no anything else that might be a problem. However the nurse insisted that we had an infection and that we go right away. We went. We spent 1 1/2 hours waiting for the Dr on call to get done with the patient before us. Lo and behold, there was no issue. Her tear duct, like many newborns is getting a little clogged. It'll unclog in time. We went home afetr 5 minutes with the Dr. The Doc even told us that she new almost instantly there was no issue and that our baby was definitely healthy.

Avrora weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz and she's 20 1/2 inches. She's still gaining weight at a rate faster than the norm (according to the Docs): 1.37 oz/day. IDK where she is on the vertical growth rate whether its up down or just right. I'm not too worried though. She'll grow as she grows and all we can do is feed, love, and care for her. :D

Other thoughts later today.

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