Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Damned

That would be me.

Y'see, that proposal that I made to the center director for SuperComputing 05 was accepted. This has caused me no end of grief. It's teh reason that I have not been writing in my blog lately. Why would that cause this? Well, I have to have a solid proposal and full conference paper ready by a week from tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. Getting the proposal down in one thing. The fact that my boss' boss added that he wanted me to participate in all of the challenges with this proposal was a whole different ball game! I was planning on putting up something for the StorCloud Challenge. He felt that the proposal only needed a small tweak to make it an excellent candidate for the Trifecta Award for a demonstration that would participate in all three SC05 challenges: StorCloud, Bandwidth, and the Analytics Challenges.

Oh Fraq!!!

I've started the paper. I have found some collaborators. One to help with the paper. One to help with the networking. Another to help with the actual simulation. I'm trying to rope in the one of the analysis types as well. To with the triple crown award, you don't have to win each of the individual awards. You just have to participate and do something very interesting. I'm doing that. Something very interesting. Real science on the floor of SC05.

The stress level is absolutely insane. The deadlines are worse. This might even be impossible.




Keep your fingers crossed.

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