Wednesday, June 15, 2005

[Home Architecture]: So it begins...

I made contact with the building department in that town I'm looking at in Marin County. They gave me a call back this morning. They're going to make an appointment with the director of planning and the bulding dept so that we can go over all that needs to be done (if anything can at all). The man I talked to stated that it is very possible to build in their town, there just needs to be some patience.

I've also started to proactively reach out to the people that might be opposed to us building on that property we climbed around on. I have a feeling that if I can get these folks to sign on, this would go rather smoothly. I have to be diplomatic and creative here. I have to get them to want this as much as I do or at least not want to object because of the carrots and morsels that could come of this. This biggest challenge would come from the people trying to protect or improve the watershed. Actually, I'd like to work with them to improve the watershed at the same time as building.

We'll see what comes of this. I hope it works out. If this does, it'll move up our time table for a home considerably.

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