Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Another Front on the War on Terror

Bangladesh may have come in for increased levels of criticism over the past six months for failure to respond with sufficient vigour to the developing patterns of Islamist-inspired violence. But the country was unprepared for the dramatic display of organisational control and the demonstration of intent that occurred on 17 August, staged by the banned Jama'at-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) group. On this day a series of more than 300 co-ordinated bombings, all timed to go off between 10.30 and 11.30 am touched all but six of Bangladesh's 64 districts.

Read more of the extract here

300 bombings. That sounds rather ominous. Think about 300 bombings in 58 districts within one hour. It sounds to me that the Islamists have themselves a very coordinated and sophisticated nest there. Are we in danger of 'losing' Bangladesh?

The sad part is I don't remember hearing anything about this on or around the 17th.

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