Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Battlestar Galactica 2004+

I ahve to say that I am rather impressed with this show. I liked the pilot. It was a bit too short for what I was hoping for. Another couple hours would have been perfect to flesh out the people more than the did. However, it was still enjoyable...if you don't mind the zeitgeist of a people being exterminated except for a mere handful.

Unfortunately, its not something that my wife enjoys at all. The number of dead bodies and other far more disturbing images (Baltar's dream on Kobol is the emphatic example for new parents! Holy sh*t!) So, I get to watch it alone. My friends are either not so into it - my NMican friends - or have kids so we can't get together for viewings.

If the quality stays high this show is gonna last. It's very serious and different from the ones just before it. They're rather...fluffy in comparison.

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