Monday, August 29, 2005

Books Finish and Started

I finished two books and launched into another in the time sicne I posted anything about my reading.

The first one about drilled pier foundations was interesting, but I suspect a bit dated. It was written in the mid 1980s,. The techniques probably still are, but I'm guessing with some certainty all the tables and appendices in the back of the book are basically worthless for costing, available equipment, and whatnot. It made it very clear though that only a specialist (sub)contractor should be trusted with doing this. It's not something that Joe Schmoe can go out and dig himself.

The second book was about Deinosuchus. This is the ubersized crocodylian from the Campanian era in the Upper Cretaceous from the so-called North American Western Interior Seaway. It was actually a fun, light read (for me). If you're familiar with paleontology, you're good to go for reading this one. It prolly should have been a paperback though because it was rather short.

The book I am reading now is about being your own contractor for building a custom home. I am not going to do this the first time around for 'Minas Tursiops'. I'd like to do this at some point. That whole philosophical angle of a man building his own home and all that. However, I'm using these books as guides to what I should be paying attention to when I do contract this to a general contractor. If you exactly know what the GC is supposed to be going to do its easier to keep tabs on him/her and see that it gets done.

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