Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I was in San Diego for a conference on the StorCloud Challenge that I am participating in for SC05. It was interesting for a few reasons.

The first was that there were a total of two (count them, 1, 2) women in the group.

Second, it seems that the few that are participating in all three challenges to be reach for the Trifecta Award are approaching it rather differently. They put together their storage app first and are only now selecting their science app. That's a little backwards afaict. The science ought to drive the rest, but, hey, that's life.

Three, getting up to try to fly (and missing) your flight at BFE in the morning truly sucks. No nniversary trips just prior to a conference. We had gotten home at midnight and I was supposed to get up at 4 am to fly out to SD at 6 am. frack. I missed that and the next flight that I could get through security through to wasn't until after 8.

Conference was good. Made some good contacts. We'll see where it all goes.

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