Saturday, August 27, 2005

Where have I been?!

I've been a little absent from my blog here other than posting some interesting articles I've stumbled across. There's been some good reasons.

The first one was that on Thursday my work had a power outage that was planned. We were upgrading the incoming power by 1.5 MW (yes, megawatts) for new computing resources. The whole place was down from 5 am until very, very late. We were prepping for this on Wednesday and then down the whole day. The power for everything networking related was toast. Hence no internet access and no blog entries.

On Friday I got a tooth drilled. Namely, because we concentrated on my wife's dental issues for so long, I had to have another root canal done. The dentists we go to absolutely rock. They're good people as well as damned fine dentists. I'd recommend them to anyone in the Bay Area or just passing through. However, the root that had to be canalled (so to speak) was rather longer and deeper than is normal. Dr Darryl did a good job but it took longer than planned. I didn't get home until a couple hours later than I'd expected. Hence...

I ahve a follow-up with Dr D but that's it. All I want to do after that is whiten my teeth and go to maintenance mode for a while. I'm a little tired of funneling money down the dental drain. :S It's not that Dr D and Dr R have been sucking us dry, its just that there's been so fscking much that we've had to get done in the last year. Mostly on my wife to be sure, but....

*growls about soon-to-be dead Ukrainian dentists*

Right now, my daughter is asleep. My wife is out shopping. I've just did a quick once over our apartment for cleaning up. I'm just taking a moment to spout.

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