Friday, September 30, 2005

Jane's: [US] Battle for Space

In August 2004 the US Air Force issued doctrine that laid out its aims for dominating space in time of conflict. The goal is to maintain the tremendous military advantages that the US and its allies and coalition partners enjoy from using satellites, the service said.

The document includes passages that outline the air force's intent to use the means necessary to prevent an adversary from using satellites for purposes like communications relay, intelligence gathering and navigation and timing functions in time of war. "There are potential adversaries out there that have excellent on-orbit capabilities in terms of satellites," said air force Lieutenant General C Robert Kehler, deputy commander of US Strategic Command. Further, he said, "today you can have some space capabilities with a credit card and the Internet", potentially giving terrorist groups the ability to leverage satellite-derived information, even if to a limited extent, to strike at US interests.

Read more here.

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