Friday, October 14, 2005

Reading Update

I haven't done a reading update in a while. Reason being that my reading time was decreased. This is due to the fact that work has been kicking my ass and my daughter has been falling asleep asap after I put her in bed. However, I am still getting some reading done even if its at a pathetic pace compared to my premarried and preparental days.

First I finished The Pterosaurs : From Deep Time. I really liked this book. Don't let the first review fool you. It's an excellent walk through if you're not a paleontologist of that subject for pterosaurs. They're not often written about and this was a lot of fun. I do recommend it.

I also read Working with Concrete. There's some tips in there, but, really, get it at a library sale or something if you want to own it.

I also read Iron Sunrise by Charlie Stross. It was pretty good. It lost a lot of the unique flashing signs of FUTURE that its predecessor had, but it was a good book. I have a comment that I think I'll save that demonstrates either a complete disconnect in American-British belief systems or maybe, perhaps, its just mine and Charlie's.

I am into yet another construction book. There's only one more that's a top down do-it-yourself book that I am going to read after this one. After that, some more about deep foundations and I move onto different aspects of the project.

It will have to wait until after the whole conference for work through for much else. I'll finish the one I am on before the conference and prolly read one about the Siberian economic missteps by the Soviets while there during my scarce downtime, but most of my free time will be taken up by my wife and daughter up there in Seattle. I probably won't order much in the way of books until December, unfortunately. :S

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