Monday, October 03, 2005

Russians Ponder Unification with Ukraine, Belarus

Many adults in the Russian Federation would welcome the creation of a new country with a neighbouring former Soviet Republic, according to a poll by the Yury Levada Analytical Center. 71 per cent of respondents believe forming a single state encompassing Russia and Ukraine would be positive.

Read more here.

The Great Russians Mentality is alive and well. *sighs*

For Canadians, they ought to understand and sympathize with the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians do not want to be Russians. The Russians like the idea of adding Ukraine to their country (again). Sound familiar? The difference being that the US is no longer looking to annex Canada by force (if at all).

Both Russia and America have poisoned the wells rather completely these days for those sort of prospects too. As much as Canada might be sore at the US for various things, what Russia (historically, in its various guises) has done to Ukraine is orders of magnitude worse.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I know I've razzed you on US annexationism, but really, it's not that annoying. Certainly no one's denying any planned famines!
