Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Wow...Southrons for Serenity.../now/!

Some of us that are at least minimally history literate have been twitching over the whole SFnal series called 'Firefly' for some time. That'a s rather curious statement, isn't it? Why would history geeks be unhappy with a SF series and subsequent movie? It's just a bit of skiffy that pretends to be witty and has a mild Western feel, right?


Really its Yet Another Southerner/Confederate Apology. The big difference is that Joss thought he could cloud the issue a little bit by making Firefly's Unionists, ahem, I mean "bad guys" look more like Germans so that everyone politicall correct and history illiterate would miss the Big Red Flag. James Nicoll said this first out loud. I, personally, was already annoyed with Firefly for said reasons, but the more I thought about it, the more I despised it. The more I despised it, the more I wanted to scream out that the brain eater had come for him already since he'd taken up being an Apologist for the South.

Now, it might have remained conjecture that it was just some history geeks seeing this in Joss' work, but now a Southron of full grey color has come out and said he loves Serenity for exactly that message of Unionists Bad, Confederates Good in Joss' latest creation. Here's the whole thread.

I should have been waiting for it, but...it finally happened. One of them noticed that message too. I half seriously wonder if Serenity will be popular in certain circuits in the South.

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