Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hearts and Minds in the 21st Century

A French international TV network slated to start in 2006 will be a vehicle to transmit France's values and world vision to other parts of the globe, President Jacques Chirac said Wednesday.

The president's comments at a Cabinet meeting came a day after Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin signed off on a deal for a joint venture between France Televisions and the private station TF1, clearing the way for the network's creation.

The French Channel for International Information, or CFII — will be able to "carry the values of France and its vision of the world everywhere on the globe," Chirac said, according to government spokesman Jean-Francois Cope.

"We must be first in the global battle of images," Chirac told the Cabinet.

Read more here.

I'd say that the 21st century just got a tad more interesting. Too bad that the French are so far behind the curve or they might have had more of a chance of staunching the outflow of American influence on the global culture. They have 25 years to get caught up on. Even the Arabs with al Jazeera are ahead there.

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