Thursday, January 12, 2006

Innovation Comparison: EU, Japan, and USA

The European Union's record on innovation is so poor that it would take more than 50 years to catch up with the US, according to a survey presented by the
European Commission on Thursday.

The Innovation Scoreboard compares the performance of the 25 EU countries with the US, Japan and several other nations, and ranks them according to factors such as the number of science and engineering graduates, patents, research and development spending and exports of high-tech products. The survey finds that only four EU countries - Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Germany - can compete with the US and Japan in terms of their innovative abilities.

"The innovation gap between the EU25 and Japan is increasing and the one between EU and US is close to stable," the report notes. It adds that it would take more than 50 years to close the gap between the average EU performance and the current US level.

Read more of the news report here or better yet, go read the report itself.

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