Wednesday, January 18, 2006

UKrainian WTO Laws stall...big surprise?

The Ukraine parliament Wednesday refused to consider another series of bills needed for the country to join the World Trade Organization, making it unlikely the measures will be taken up before the March parliamentary election.

President Viktor Yushchenko had initially pledged to take this ex-Soviet republic into the WTO by the end of last year, but the government repeatedly failed to win support among lawmakers for changes needed to legislation covering the banking, metals and cattle export sectors.

The latest setback means that WTO membership is likely to be pushed further off the agenda as parliament begins a break Friday. After the March 26 election, the new lawmakers are likely to be occupied initially with coalition talks, which will lead to the formation of the new government.

From here.

This is not unexpected. You're faced with a major election. You're faced with laws that are likely to be rather unpopular at home. Are you going to take them up prior to said election?


You're a very funny guy, President Yuschenko, sir!

Prediction: They're passed after the election if the Orange Team wins big.

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