Friday, April 21, 2006

[Near Future SF Setting] Playing with Maps...

I really should be working...and if I were actually capable of using photoshop then this would be combined into one map with different colors. My friend at work that is will be back on Monday, but if someone else in the mean time would like to combine them...:D

The big 'countries' of the 2050s: European Union, Bolivarian Republic, Great Persia, Shanghai Confederation, and the 'damnit, we're not a country, but Washington decides 75% of everything'.


  1. Part of the Bolivarian Republic.

  2. Actually, I toyed, for minute, with posting to ahf with the idea to make it a FHC, but it wouldn't be accepted as rigorous enough other than playing with maps, so I didn't...even though the group is too quiet.

  3. So what's the story behind the Bolivarian Republic? Was Hugo Chavez a founding father? I'm almost afraid to ask how Greater Persia came about, but I will anyway - did the yanks start a war there about 44 years back, only to get their asses handed to them?
