Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Orange...or is it a Red Light?

Yulia Tymoshenko's desire to return to the prime minister's chair has become the main obstacle to restoring the Orange Revolution coalition in order to form a majority in Ukraine's newly elected parliament. President Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine bloc has rejected Tymoshenko's demand that the distribution of key posts should precede the drafting of an action plan for the coalition. Tymoshenko, in return, has accused Yushchenko's team of foul play. The junior partners in a would-be tripartite coalition, the Socialist Party (SPU) of Oleksandr Moroz, have apparently sided with Tymoshenko, who offered to them the post of speaker of parliament.

From The Eurasian Daily Monitor.

If Yushenko thought that Timoschennko was going to quietly step aside when they started building the coalition and not demand her job og PM back, he was sadly deluding himself. Unfortunately, he's in a no win situation. Timschenko will either get the job back and do it badly or she will end up flipping Yusch the bird and destroying the Orange Revolution's last shreds of credability with the Ukrainian public. It's sad, but, alas, it looks like da nada can be done about it.

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