Monday, June 26, 2006

War for the Eurasia Soul: A Footnote

China seeks to import electricity from neighboring countries by building power plants overseas, according to Liu Zhaoshao, chief economist of China’s State Grid Corporation. Projects in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia are currently under study. Liu told a recent investment forum that agreements with the three countries have been signed and details are under negotiation. Russians will build power plants in Russia, but the power will be transmitted to China, he said.

The preliminary plan is to build three power plants in Mongolia, each with a 3.6-gigawatt capacity. The first plant is expected to start operation by 2010, according to China's State Grid Corporation. Apart from sending some supplies to Mongolia, most of the power generated in the plants will be transmitted to China to meet the demands of China's northern regions. Domestic companies will build the three plants, while the State Grid will build the transmission lines.

The project in Kazakhstan, which is planned later than the projects in Russia and Mongolia, will resemble the Mongolian model. Liu noted that China has also negotiated with other neighboring countries such as Kyrgyzstan to import electricity by building power plants.

I have to wonder how much of this is going to help the Mongolians...or will this be a case of epower plants staffed by Russians with the energy all going to China? hmmm? Sounds very mildly like Mongolia is going to be rather integrated into China's needs. A weak state with the powerplants all there and if Mongolia gets uppity...well...

I wonder. A first step to the "Shanghai Confederation"?

I am curious what kind of power plants these are?

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