Friday, July 21, 2006

A moment of relative quiet

It's relatively quiet. There are some things to be done, but they're not pressing. I'm on rotation at work. That means that I am responsible for the machines. These are enormous and expensive brutes that seem to have all the delicacies of a China doll. If the smallest perturbation takes palce, catastrophic resutls seem to follow. As I said, I am responsible for all of the machines. This torture lasts for a week and its for 24 hours/day during that span. Last night I recieved 3 pages that I remember and woke me. There was another while I was already awake.

It's been raining compute nodes and some file system servers. It's been a wild ride. It normally is wild, but not this wild. I need to go back and document all the work I've done so far. Honestly, I've lost track.

However, with the moment of relative silence, I thought I would post another reading update.

I actually got more reading done. My wife was putting Avrora to bed and ended up passing out too. My daughter is a bundle of hyperkinetic energy and you get exhausted trying to keep up with her or just keep her out of trouble. She has an intense curiousity, obvious intelligence, and massive go-Go-GO energy can wear out anyone. My wife was the victim that time. She crashed.

That allowed me to finish Insulating Concrete Forms for Residential Design and Construction. it had a lot of good stuff packed in there. Equations, equations, equations. THAT is where the juicy stuff is. It allows you to do the structural design, and iirc in my sleep deprived state, thermodynamic (energy efficiency?) design yourself if you want. Yum! The only thing I fear about this is that the information is dated (1996 pub date) and some of it irrelevant.

I just finished Gorgon. As a travelogue, this is actually a very good book. If you like to read about the adventures of going down to the Karoo in South Africa to hunt fossils and the author's experiences in hunting mammal-like reptile fossils and doing work related to the PT Extinction, by all means pick this up. If you are looking for anything about the actual results and discussion of the PT Event...forget it. You get at best the last 1/6th of the book for that. And its not very deep. I enjoyed the read, wasn't worth the time for a book to give info on the PT Extinction for a post here.

The next book will probably be about the return of life to NorAm after the glaciers retreated. We'll see. I might pick up a construction related book instead. I really ought to.

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