Monday, July 31, 2006

This last weekend

Friday night we went to family night at the YMCA. Lyuda's a member for the aerobics classes. We also talked about the house after getting the kiddo in bed. Plans, details, etc.

Saturday, we had a good time. It wasn't as crazy as I was worried it would be. We went to Six Flags Waterworld in Concord on Saturday. We were there practically all day. I got a little cooked on my face. My wife didn't get cooked much at all. My daughter only a tad on her face, but that was because I kept being worried about getting the sunscreen in her eyes. I mostly played with Avrora and my wife got to have some relaxation by running off to slide all the attractions. I was very happy with that because it left me time with Avrora and I have been gone so much as of late. We had a very good time, actually. we BBQ'ed that night and I made a lot of BBQed chicken for the rest of the week.

On Sunday, we went to the Berkeley Kite Festival. That was fun, but we only stayed for a relatively short time. We then ran around like mad chickens to do the shopping (Costco (bulk goods), Berkeley Bowl (produce), and Trader Joe's (dairy and some yummy stuff). Lyuda made her very good akroshka (potato, cucumber, ham, and some other stuff mixed with buttermilk, that other Ukrainian food group (mayo), and sparkling water(!)). It's very good stuff!

Next weekend is a surprise. It's our second anniversary. It should be fun. :) I can't say too much before it happens though lest Lydua read here and find out the surpise. ;)

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