Monday, July 17, 2006

A very good weekend

We had an extraordinary weekend. We went hiking in Marin near the Point Reyes Seashore. We had a barbeque of wonderful flavours: salmon, oysters, and corn. We had a great time in general.

A note. When BBQing salmon, be ready for the oil from the fat to catch fire. When it does, the flames quite high. However, the salmon came out amazing. It had been marinated in teriyaki for a couple hours with ginger, garlic, black pepper, and basil. The oysters weren't spiced at all, but live up until being dumped on the fire. mmm. My wife also made a seafood stew to go with. It was really good. We even had a little sushi, but not, alas, homemade. We almost rolled out the door afterwards, but we decided we wanted to do this just for us because we are ALWAYS preparing great dinner parties for friends, but never really get to enjoy it as much as we did this time. It was EXPENSIVE, but worth it.

We also worked it all off on Sunday when we hiked to Ridge Top Trail from Highway One. With a 17 month old and no backpack, we did excellent! It only took us about 3 hours up and an half and a half down. It was about 83 outside, iirc, and a wee bit humid, but Avrora and Lyuda held up well. Avrora got carried a bunch on the way up and slept a lot of it down. We saw an owl less than 10 feet from us (not a small one either), lots of horseback riders, and Avrora had a butterfly that wanted to play with her. It was really a good day. We hiked back and Avrora fell to sleep. I carried her the whole way while she was as limp as an overcooked brocolli.

We really had a great weekend.

The blog will be returning to normal. An incedenary commentary about Eurasia will pop up sometime this week. I'd like to comment on the Devonian Mass Extinctions as well, but I might not have time. I am going on rotation and then have a conference in Baltimore to attend where I am speaking on wide area filesystems. I also have another architect interview on Wednesday.

We shall see what I get to post.

I will get at least one per day though and not just news.

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