Monday, August 07, 2006


We're BACK!

We went down to San Diego for our Second Anniversary!

We stated at the Torrey Pines Hilton. It was rather nice, but perhaps not up to the reputation. We hit the San Diego Zoo on Saturday and had a wonderful time. My daughter has been pointing out this that and everything which has a picture of an animal. She looks a little blue since we got back, but we'll go off to our local zoos soon so she can cheer up.

We spent the next day at the beach and my wife went sky diving. Avrora and I hung out at the pool and then we went to dinner at an Italian place that underwhelmed. :(

I can say that if you ever get the itching for Brazillian food do not ever EVEN THINK! about going to the Samba Grill. It's the first time in my life that I have ever chosen not to leave a tip. That food was NASTY. If you want Brazillian, the best place I have ever seen is Ipanema in Seattle. That's DAMNED good.

We have some photos from the Zoo before our camera's battery died.

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