Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Meme

1. your name and why your parents picked it

William Patrick Baird. I was named after my grandfather, but William is a standing first son name for the Bairds for a while. We just mix up the middle name as to not make the boys into goofy numerals. We'll see if I get to continue the tradition with my wife. Ukrainians think its bad luck or karma or something to name your children after a relative. Yes, despite the ptronymic goofiness.

2. your ancestry

European. Probably. Actually verifiably: 1/4 German and 1/4 Italian. The rest is debateable in their percentages, but Scotish, Irish, and English are the predominants, but with pinches of French and suspicions of others. Baird is Scottish and brought over by the exiled Captian John Baird Sr who was an obnoxious Covenanter. He was captured and exiled to East Jersey. We've been here a looooong time. We've seen it ALL.

3. one country/place you have semi-definite (or definite) plans of visiting someday


4. one thing you dislike about people (in general)


5. one thing you like about people


6. your ideal profession

trillionaire renaissance man. I'd like to mess around with genetic engineering, rockets, paleontology, architecture, HPC, and a lot more in a single life time.

7. favorite song lyric or quotation (or something along those lines)

The Secret is to Know When to Stop Remebering.

8. one kind of food that you could eat every day for a month and not hate it

steamed artichokes are tied with chile derived foods.

9. one teacher or professor that you've had who has affected your life (be it in a good way or a bad way)

Karl(?) Max. A bio teacher in HS. He helped get me the job at LANL while a student in HS. It ahs made all the difference in the world in my career.

10. age you expect to grow up by

31. I can even name the day: February 28th, 2005. Avrora's birthday. It was pretty profound for me the day that my lil girl was born.

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