Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Next Car Might be a GM

General Motors will launch a fleet of more than 100 hydrogen fuel-cell powered sports utility vehicles in the US, Europe and Asia in the fall of 2007, the automaker said.

The aim is to have commercial distribution by 2010 of the clean-burning cars that emit nothing but water from the tailpipe.

While other automakers have already distributed a few fuel cell vehicles to retail customers, this will be the first major market test, GM said. It is aimed at testing how customers respond to the vehicles in a variety of driving environments.

GM has not yet determined how much the Chevrolet Equinox will cost or how it will decide who gets a chance to lease the vehicles, spokesman Scott Fosgard told AFP.

This comes as a parry to Suzanne's pronouncement. So Nyah!

PS Forget the hybrid! No gasoline for me! No gasoline for me! All I want is to be troublesome, oil producing country free!


  1. Nice post.

    Too bad that a) your car is priceless and b) the Avenger won't last that long.

    At least with my current plan I know that the cars I'm interested in won't cost me an arm and both legs.

  2. Truthfully, this was as much a taunt as it was a serious post. This car won't be on the market for another 3 - 5 years. That's the timeframe to replace Lyuda's PT Cruiser. The replacement for the Jeep will probably come sooner and we're thinking of the and possibly picking up a for fun old Jeep CJ5. Again. However, both of those are post house construction.

    You are right though. Both of those cars are a little spendy. The Ford would be 50% more than Lyuda's PT and I am guessing the GM would cost 2x Lyuda's PT.

    I would love to buy a Jeep but I need a people mover; they've gone and screwed up the Wrangler by stretching it; and their gas mileage blows. DaimlerChrysler is on record blowing off hybrids and IDK what the state of their fuel cell tech is, but I suspect it's not as far along as GM's.

    I could be wrong, of course.

  3. Yeah, I pretty well figured that it was both serious as well as a taunt...I do deserve a little credit, hence the snarky comment on cost. But, you know me...I can't leave a taunt unresponded to. :P
