Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Next Books to Read

There are number for the house that I am having to order. They're spendy and I've not wanted to buy them before because of that. However, I need them now. They are not the only ones I am getting, but they make up the vast majority of the cost.

For the House:

Architectural Working Drawings by Ralph W. Liebing.

Working Drawing Manual by Fred A. Stitt.

Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods by Edward Allen and Joseph Iano.

Foundation Design: Principles and Practices by Donald P. Coduto.

Structural Analysis by Russell C. Hibbeler.

For Fun:

The Horned Dinosaurs by Peter Dodson.

Roman Warfare by Adrian Goldsworthy.

Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck? by David Raupp.

First Person by Vladimir Putin (yep, that one).

Frozen Earth: The Once and Future Story of Ice Ages by Douglas Macdougall.

In Search of the Mayan Sea Traders by Heather McKillop.

The amusing part - or distressing one - is that the fun reading costs 1/5th that of the cost of the house books. *sighs* Who said building a house is ever cheap though?

Interestingly, I actually put a finger just how much of a difference being married and having a kidda makes in my reading habits. After I moved to the Bay Area, I was reading about 120 to 150 pages per day, average. I read on the BART to and from work. I read while I was on an exercise bike (90 minutes/day). I read for about an hour besides that too. Often when cooking. Now I read about 20 pages per day and I drive to and from work (time is more critical now and mass transit is more expensive than gas for the distances involved). La Kidda and my wife need more attention than I had to give out before, soooo...my reading suffers. Occasionally, Lyuda takes pity on me and lets me read for a few hours as a break while she takes Avrora out to do something, but not too often. She's under pressure too for her time with homework and trying to get to the YMCA to work out.

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