Monday, September 25, 2006

On Suz's Website

For some reason, I can't comment on Suzanne's website. grrr.

At any rate, Suzanne, an old friend from college, asked her readers whether she should continue her blog and what she should take up as a topic. She grumbled that she tends to be overly verbose and her posts never get finished. Suzanne is a trained chemist with an ubergeekhusband (coming from an ubergeek here) and she has the -vvvvv option enabled, irl and supposedly in her posts too. She's quite bright, t'boot.

This post here is two things. The first is that I know I get more people reading my blog than hers, so I am hoping that the dark hoard that lurks through here will give their input to her question. The second is to give my own input to her question.

Suzanne, presumably you're reading this. You really ought to pick a subject or two that other people are interested in and you have some small amount of knowledge at least to post about. Frex, something that you've been reading a lot about (mass extintctions, in my case) or know a small amount about through work (climate change for me) or have some personal interest in (Russian relations with Ukraine and the West here). Note, I mostly avoid talking about work. Not always the case, when its something that is tangental to my everyday job (like the Tri Challenge stuff from SC05). This is pretty much to avoid the politics and some possible jail time if I let the wrong thing slip.

New profound chemistry technologies are something that's not covered alot. Care to take up that mantle? Or what about the implications about the materials or such that the nanotech folks are talking about? I know you hate organic chem, but...also a reading log, like my reading updates, might be of interest to people too. Updates on what you did on your sordid vacations - but within the box please! - would be good too.

There are many things to talk about. Your blog is read and followed. :P

1 comment:

  1. First I'd like to say thanks a bunch for the input. Second, is that I made some changes to the commenting rules on my blog, but seeing as to how my userid is "admin" I make no promises.

    I'm still trying to get back into the habit of reading's something that went by the wayside in college out of self defense and never really made a comeback.

    I'm lame enough that all I've really been interested in as of late is my crafting stuff, but I finally found my camera cable, so there's a chance that there could be graphics which may make that remotely interesting.

    As for the vaction thingie, the last time I had one of those was when I got married, which is going on four years ago now. If all goes as planned, I may get to have one of those sometime after next April. In the meantime, I'm trying to get the husband to agree to a 3 day weekend somewhere, but that's another story. And don't worry about the in the box thing, as I've become pretty adept at that.

    And no need to worry about me talking too much about work. I help herd turds for a living, and there's not much of an audience for poop jokes above the age of say 12.
