Monday, September 25, 2006

This weekend

I'm on rotation, so I can't go gallavanting off to get into trouble. In fact, based on the demands of the job, I really can't be more than 15 to 20 minutes away from a secure network connection. This puts constraints on what I can and cannot go do. This in turn puts constraints on what my family can and cannot go do. For those of you that don't know, when I go on rotation I am resposible for the machines that are at NERSC. There are times when its insane: seaborg goes down or NGF gets wonky. However, most of the time it's just a tad bit stressful from the tension of what is going on.

Because of this, we had a subdued weekend. We did get to go over to a friend's house - a coworker - and have dinner. It was fun and we had a show and tell of our trip this summer to Ukraine. Our mutual friend, Tikva, was there as well. We brought some sushi, okroshka - but different than what they describe there; I'll post a recipe at some point - and a mud pie. This was rounded out by Tikva's salad and some BBQed hamburgers. It was quite the international meal.

Sunday, my daughter and I tried to make ourselves scarce so my wife could study. We ran errands and had a good time. That night I tried my hand at BBQing some fish: pomfret to be exact. Unfortunately, we got a little too little (three fish only) since there was so little meat on the fish themselves. Even so, they were good.

I ddi have to work late on Saturday and somewhat late on Friday. Until about 15 minutes ago, it's been a pretty quiet week. Seaborg just took a header. However, the system lead is working on it...since he seems to have been partially responsible for its state.

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