Thursday, October 05, 2006

Some Examples of the Climate Change Problems

The climate in the nine states — from New Jersey and Pennsylvania up to Maine — could become like that of the South with longer, much hotter summers and warmer winters with less snow, the report by the Union of Concerned Scientists said


If power plant and auto emissions of carbon dioxide - considered the main culprit in global warming - continue unabated, average temperatures in the Northeast could rise between 6.5 degrees and 12.5 degrees by the end of the century, she said. A shift to cleaner, renewable energy sources would cut that increase in half, she said.

The study said Boston could see its number of 90-degree-plus summer days jump from one to 40 if no changes are made. New York City could have 70.


John R. Christy, director of the Earth System Science Center at University of Alabama-Huntsville, said regional analyses he's done indicate the latest climate models can't predict well for a region, especially for rain and snow.

He said the report's recommendations — mostly centered on replacing or upgrading buildings, cars and appliances with more energy-efficient ones — won't have much effect on the total amount of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere, partly because energy demand will keep growing.

Well, that's interesting. They're saying an average of 9 degrees F here. A 12.5 deg F increase is almost a 7 C increase. That's...bad. As for New York City could have 70 [days above 90 deg]:we'll burn the NYers out! BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh and Dr Christy is right. The regional stuff is not as good right now for modeling. They've been focusing on that for the past year now to get it in line. The paleoclimate guys too, iirc.

hrm. I wonder if I need to adjust my figures for the Greenland temperatures. I really ought to sit down to figure out how fast the ice will retreat on Greenland and contact some real estate agents. Done right and I could sit near future water way...;) And after all, there's 56k of them and Greenland is about five times the size of Texas! Woo.

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