Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stanford Just Couldn't Let Us One Up Them

Nearly a half-century after his father was awarded a Nobel Prize, a Stanford University professor won his own Wednesday for groundbreaking research into how cells read their genes, fundamental work that could help lead to new therapies.

Discoveries by Roger D. Kornberg, 59, have helped set the stage for developing drugs to fight cancer, heart disease and other illnesses, experts said.

At a press conference, Kornberg said the immediate application of his work is in making better antibiotics for diseases such as tuberculosis. "There will be specific cures for several diseases in the next decade," he said.

He said several pharmaceutical companies are developing drugs based on his research, but he declined to be more specific other than to mention cancer therapy.

Stanford and Berkeley have a loooooooooooooooong standing rivalry. As I posted about, we just got a Nobel ourselves (or one of the brilliant people did), but physics DOES trump chemistry in all that's right and good....soooo NYAH!

A bit more seriously, talk about a SF Bay Area coupe.

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