Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another Baxter _Evolution_ Snipe

In the end times of Baxter's life on Earth and the tale of the last humans and their symbiotic borometz tree, Baxter has an ocean that is uber salty and dead. He had said that ocean in the 400 plus million years from now was simply too salty for anything to live in it. That day may in fact come, but it will take a long, long time. Our friend Baxter must not have heard of the Death Valley Pupfish.

This little fish lives in water that is four times saltier than the ocean. The water is VERY hot. Approximately the same temperature as the air. The interesting thing about this pupfish is that it evolved from a freshwater pupfish as little as 10k years ago that lived in Lake Manly.

I think that in 500 million years from now, something as far as vertebrates will have adapted and live in the very salty oceans.

After all, if a little fish can make such an adaptation in 10k years...

Now don't get me started on his description of life on land...needing invisibility to survive by hunting. Sheesh. Too bad that the plains and praries of NorAm and Eurasia are so depopulated and barren, lifeless places even in the very dry Oligocene.

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