Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Couple More Novarchosaurians

I realized that I didn't have a niche coverd that was ideal for some genhanced novarchosaurians. This niche is a natural since several birds already fit it as is. In fact, our novarchosaurians have basal stock that would work just fine since they're already in the role (more or less) as it is. Both of them are going to get the arm upgrade and of course the dinosaurian tail. The idea is that we need some oppurtunistic scavengers. Two of them ought to be novarchosaurians.

Our little seed populations for our scavengers?

The American Crow and the California Gull.

These little guys running around filling the role of minitheropods or the scavenger kinds would be fascinating. Obviously they're targeted for different ecosystems. The marshy areas and sea shore would be the home of the Gull derivs and the Crow derivs would be for the forests and grasslands.

Just imagine: Crows. With. Hands.

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