Friday, November 17, 2006

The Last Anapsids

This is an ongoing post of critters that are part of my Greenland engineered ecology. I only have time for a quickie this week, sorry.

This is one of the last anapsids that I decided to engineer. It's a bit of a strange one compared to the others that I have come up with. It's a small one and an herbivore. While endothermic, it lives underground and isn't very large. It's about 10 cm long. This is a gopher analog and borrows all over the place. It has a streamlined hardshell and modified forelimbs and claws for better digging.

An insectivorous version would be cool too. hrm. Anapsid moles and gophers. Perhaps another very small, but quick one that fills the role of shrews. very cool. We'll give Lacertilia a run for their money on and under the ground at least.

With all the shelled critters running around in the small scale, we're likely to get something big and able to crunch hardshelled morsels. Not another anapsid, though. And that's a post for another time.

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