Monday, November 27, 2006

Pondering Climate Change

Something to keep in mind when reading about climate change is that this will probably not be the end of the world. In fact, we are actually at one of the colder times of our planet's history. This means that if we do get a huge shift in average wrold temperature, even as much as the worst case scenario seems to predict right now, we will only be returning to the median temperature!

That's right! We're not going to be hitting the temperatures of the Eocene or most fo the Mesozoic and nevermind the fact that we still need to go up another 5 - 7 C average for the Permian when we had a planet bake. IE we're not even close to having the world end. We are close to seeing it change for a long, long time.

We're going survive this. The world will just change. Like it always does. It just won't be like anything before. It seems that our climate is always unique and never repeats a performance. It won't be the Eocene. it won't be the Oligocene either. It will be something different.

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