Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rumsfeld Resigning!

About frackin time. The idiot should have been tossed out a long time ago. In fact, he shouldn't have held the post in the first place. This guy is a serious dumbass. At best he should have been muzzled during the run up to Iraq.

I am no fan of the Democrats, by any means, but the Republicans demonstrated that this time around with these congresscritters that they should not be in power. Period. Pelosi as Speaker gives me the heabies jeabies, but damnit, the outgoing 'tards have really blown all their credibility.

Yes, I am a Republican and, no, I am not a Bushite.


  1. hmmmmm that sounds familiar -- "a Republican but not a Bushie"

    Back in 2000 my wife voted for Bush and I voted libertarian.... then in 2004 we both voted for Kerry... not because we really considered ourselves Democrats or liked Kerry all that much--- rather we just couldn't stomach the thought of another 4 years with Shrub....

    My parents both still support Bush but at least in the case of my father I know he's FAR more cynical about the current administration than he ever was with Reagan or G Bush senior.

    I've been reading and hearing a lot of things about the Nixon administration and everything leads me back to the same thought.... should Nixon have been pardoned for his crimes?... and if not.... then what the #*@(* is Shrub still doing in office as it would appear that he is guilty of precicely the same kind of crimes.... but magnified and without the slightest pretense of shame or attempt to hide what he is doing!


  2. In 2000, I voted libertarian. Gore just felt too damned slimy and I didn't believe he'd do a terribly good job even if he struck me as twice as bright as Shrub.

    Shrub I just found unpalatable from the start. I wanted McCain. Obviously, I didn't get him in y2k. In 2004, I had hoped that Clark would make it through the Democrat issues, but he was a long shot. Dean fightened me. Kerrey made me wretch (still does). I couldn't vote for him in 04. *sighs*

    The next go 'round is going to be a clean slate. No Shrub or hangers on (Cheney? *snork*) Kerrey is going to run again, and probably get beaten in the primaries. TG.

    Neither of my parents have ever been Shrub supporters. For different reasons. I will say though that I supported the Iraq War (and do). It's just that Shrub's crew planned it so frackin badly, it's no surprsie had it turned out. Shinseki was right, damnit!
