Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Books Being Considered

As I said before my wife got me an Amazon gift card for Xmas. I have a list of possibilities.

The first few are related to my curiousity, almost obsession, about Deep Time and mass extinctions. The first is Modeling Extinction. The second is Out of Thin Air which is almost a given for my purchase this time. The third is Dawn of the Dinosaurs which details the Triassic. I am also considering Dinosaurs of Darkness about the critters that lived down very far south during the Mesozoic, but the review isn't that good (any coutner sugegstions, Darren?). In a semi related topic, I am looking at Dragons in the Dust about Australia's giant varanid. Instead of Dinosaurs of Darkness, I might go for Horns And Beaks. I am also tempted with Evolutionary Catastrophes.

On the book research front, Demarest's Ancient Maya is one being considered as is Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World, and Galinsky's Augustan Culture is also interesting and tempting. I have half a mind to toss some of these in favour of more Deep Time books.

Two I am not going to toss because I have postponed getting them for so long are The Insular Cases And the Emergence of American Empire and The Collapse of Complex Societies. These would be for my own education.

For the house, Manual of Construction Documentation is planned. I do need to go get Prescriptive Methods from the ICF guys though. I can't get that through Amazon for some reason. So that might have to wait a tad.

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