Monday, January 08, 2007

In Search of the Maya Sea Traders

As far as a books go, this was one worth reading. However, I have tos ay that I am unfortunately rather disappointed. It wasn't the writing style. Dr McKilop's prose is an easy read and definitely not dry or unengaging: itw as definitely not the bane prose that I call Archaeological Dry. What really disappointed me was the content: this was largely Yet Another Travelogue.

I was hoping for more insight into the Mayan seatrading, but it was lightly sprinkled about her adventures off the coast of Belize. That was interesting, honestly, but again not what I was looking for. Much like my disappointment with Peter Ward's Gorgon I had wanted to hear what the experts had to say about their work more than their adventures. Thoser are interesting and ought to be included, but...I'd rather have some solid discussion of what they found and their theories.

That doesn't happen as much.


On the other hand, it did give me some bits for Epylium Aurelia that will be useful, but only bits.

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