Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Missed Something

Our office, lower left corner of the intersection, is in downtown Oakland because the Lab on the Hill doesn't have room for the machines we give such a beating, ahem, give tender loving care to. They're working to rectify this issue and move us back to the Hill. I used to have an office both in Berkeley and in Oakland. I actually prefered the one in Berkeley because of teh academic atmosphere and the fact I actually had an fscking window; one that I could open. However, a couple years ago, they found the building I had teh fofice in was completely and utterly not earthquake safe and waiting for a Nicollian event. They shuffled all of us and down to Oakland and shoehorned us in. I got my current cave. I shouldn't complain: at least its an office with a door instead of a cube.

*horrible flashbacks*

While I was tending for my daughter yesterday, it seems that I missed some excitement. Obviously, with the ickiness that's ran amok in her system kept us at home rather than one of ubercute appearances at the office. it's just as well. Right across the street from us is a bank. A bank that got robbed yesterday at lunch time. The bag guy - with the dinero - ran straight across the street and had the paint go off on him in our drive way. He dumped the money, hopped the fence to our parking lot in back, and hopped the backwall out again. There were apparently three twerps involved. They were all caught. The only evidence of the stupidity is a paint mark on the ground and our guard as a picture in his log book with an incident write-up.

I miss all the excitement I am not causing. tsk.

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