Friday, March 02, 2007


If we nominate Gingrich, I'm defecting. Or going independant. frack.


  1. I went Independent long, long ago. I'm currently considering defecting to the dark side so that I can vote in the primaries.

    Becoming Independent is the first step towards the dark side. I've learned that at least one of my co-workers at one time was a Republican who went the Independent then Democrat route. The reason she ended up a Democrat is the same reason that I'm thinking of "fully converting."

  2. Well, I was an independant and defected to this dark side during the late 1990s. There seemed to be a dark side here in the Repubs that needed to be at least stood against and the dark side of the Dems seemed annoying at the time, but not dangerous.

    Now, they're both dangerous. *sighs*

  3. So, my current question is, what do you think of Bill Richardson? Seeing as to how he's currently governor of NM, and at least appears to have been a pretty good statesman during the Clinton years...

    I know that he's probably the longest shot of the current Democrat candidates, however, on the surface he appears to be one of the better candidates to clean up after the current administration given his competency in some of the diplomatic positions he's held.

    The scary part that I need to research before fully jumping onto his bandwagon is where he stands on domestic issues and the like. Although right about now, I'm not sure which is the more important skill set for the next president to have...

  4. I'm not too fond of him. Despite that he nominated me for the academies and despite the fact that he spoke at my HS graduation, it's his performance as teh Secretary of DOE that made me rather unfond of him.

    I don't think he'll get elected. I think he'll end up either VP or Sec of State.
