Monday, March 26, 2007

Global Warming Doesn't Just Mean Warming

Some climates may disappear from Earth entirely, not just from their current locations, while new climates could develop if the planet continues to warm, a study says. Such changes would endanger some plants and animals while providing new opportunities for others, said John W. Williams, an assistant professor of geography at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Tropical regions in particular may face unexpected changes, particularly the rain forests in the Amazon and Indonesia, Williams' researchers concluded.


Areas like the Southeastern United States and the Arabian Peninsula may also be affected, the researchers said.

And they said mountain areas such as in Peruvian and Colombian Andes and regions such as Siberia and southern Australia face a risk of climates disappearing altogether.

That doesn't mean these regions would have no climate at all — rather their climate would change and the conditions currently in these areas would not occur elsewhere on Earth.

Pielou stated in his work that the climate of the world has never repeated itself. The climate keeps finding novels ways to express itself. The future won't be an Oligocene or Eocene or Cretaceous repeat. It will be something new. Or good or ill.

Just hold on tight, it's going to be a wild ride!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Nitpick: Pielou stated in her work.
