Thursday, March 29, 2007

William Walker

I was just doing a quick read of his wikipedia biography and his places of origin, visit, study, and politics - albeit a 19th century version - he has far too many frakkin parallels with myself, thanx.

I'm feeling a tad freaked out.

Is it my fate to die in Honduras?



  1. What exactly do you two have in common? Grey eyes?


  2. He's from Tennessee, My family is from Tennessee (was there from 1790s until the 1930s). He studied in Heidelberg, Germany: my father was born there postGreat Mistake #2/his maternal ancestors have been there for a long time. Walker lived in San Francisco: guess where I am?

    My dad's the one with the Grey eyes (and the name William). I've got blue-green eyes, but the same name.

    Oh, and I'm an expansionist albeit not the asshole one he was. Although that may be merely a matter of temporal cultural difference, but I'd like to think not. I'd REALLY like to think not, but I cannot be sure, truthfully.

    Anyways, James and Randy are very aware of my expansionist tendencies and are forgiving. There's not as many posters from Mexico that are as aware of my...plans. Noel does! O:)



    I am aware it's a kook idea, btw.
