Monday, April 23, 2007

The Future State of the Marianas?

Randy McDonald sent me a link, above, about the upcoming changes to Guam and the Northern Marianas wrt to the US military there. The OpEd piece has some speculation that eventually Guam and the NMas would be reunified as a single territory. Randy's emailing was on the heels of all the discussion about the future of Puerto Rico's potential statehood and suggestive of the idea of the Marianas becoming a state.

It's an interesting idea. If Doug Muir's hints of things are correct, it's a ways off. Possibly a long ways off.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    It's a long way off. Long as in "no way within 20 years, and I'd be mildly surprised if it happened within 50".

    Really, I'll be a bit surprised if the Marianas *ever* become a state. Certainly they're not headed in that direction right now.

    Doug M.

  2. Randy sent it to me. I thought it was worth a post. I happen to agree with you, actually. I should have said a "loooooooooooooooong ways off".

    As the article suggested, I suspect that Guam and the Northern Marianas are going to need to be united first. But that's possibly an asinine and stupid thought too.
