Monday, April 16, 2007

A True Asshole

On Sunday, I went to go work out. I am continuing to attempt to shave off weight a lbs or two at a time. When I was slim after I moved to cali, I was exercising an hour and a half per day (and loving it). Right now, I can only squeeze in about a 1/2 hour to hour per day if I am lucky and sometimes go as much as a week without working out between the demands of being Papa, work, and husband. Sunday I took a stand and went to go work out even though we had pressing issues to take care of. My health and weight is getting to be frakkin annoying.

Lyuda and Avrora went off to the park near our place (5 minute walk) and Lyuda inroduced Avrora to croquet. Well, as much as a 2 year old can be introduced to it. Another family showed up with a 17 month old daughter. Avrora REALLY liked the little girl and wanted to play with her. They did. The both of girl's parents were there. My daughter had brought a few other toys as well: she likes to grab stuff as she goes out teh front door in a parody of her parents rushing about grabbing stuff we almost forgot. One was a horse I bought her (small, hard plastic) and just bought glow-in-the-dark dinosaur[1] (diplodocus, actually). She shared both with the girl. The girl dropped the dino and was running around with Avrora and the horse, both of them laughing and having a good time. The father walked over and pocketed the dino. Lyuda saw it, but didn't worry much.

After a while, Lyuda decided it was time to get home. She had economics homework and it was getting close to Avrora's nap time. She policed up all the croquet equipment and Avrora's toy horse. She started to go, but Avrora got insistent about the dinosaur - she truly loves dinosaurs. It's a cheap dino from a tube that had ten that we got for a dollar, but she had to have ti back, so Lyuda told her to go look for it. The other family 'helped'. They searched for 15 minutes. They 'found' nothing. The other family started to leave. Avrora was getting really upset and started crying. Lyuda didn't know how to confront the guy about it and since the dino was so cheap she just figured we'd go get another little tube.

At the last second, the guy coughed up the the dino and gave it to Avrora. He looked guilty and Lyuda gave him a dirty look. It was pretty obvious that the guy had intended to keep it and for whatever reason decided not to. He was quite the asshole, stealing from a two year old.

The funny part is that now that Avrora can't find something she has taken to saying that it's 'in the pocket.' No fool she is.

1. BTW, Suzanne, she adores your dinos like you wouldn't believe. I'lls ee if I can get some photos up. She even takes them to bed and she wants the dinosaur that eats book to be read each night.

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