Thursday, April 05, 2007

Why Do I blog?

A nefarious lobefin over at Fish Feet by the name of Sarda Sahney memed me with the question of "Why Do I Blog?"

It's a three fold reason fro myself. It allows me to use this place as a way of communicating information to friends without having to write mass spammings that may or may not cause havoc for people's inboxes (esp wrt to pictures of my daughter & family news). Second, it's a place I can put up ideas that are interesting or show items I've found that I think are interesting for others to read (and if my cluster map isn't lying, there's a fair number of people that are interested). Finally, it's bully pulpit. I can spout whatever I feel like without infringing on newsgroup charters.

If you've read this, you've been meme infected. Please express that infection and pass it on with a link back here.

1 comment:

  1. Always happy to pass it on:) I warn you not to look at my blog tomorrow, I am contagious - I have been memed again.
