Sunday, May 27, 2007

And She's OFF!

I've been a little light on the personal posts for a little while now. We've been so busy that we've not done as much as we would like that is anything other than working on homework and taking care of the day-to-day things: dishes, laundry, etc. The weekend of Mother's Day, that really changed.

For the Saturday before we ended up going down, on invitation, to an uncle's place that I've not been in much contact with. Bairds, well, we're like cats: when we see each other, we make a big deal out of it and fuzz each oher or shriek at each other big time as the case may be. However, out of sight, out of mind. We had a fanastic time. My uncle Bob is a fantastic cook: it's his main hobby. His wife, my Aunt Lynne, is a very kind woman as well. My very fun and relaxed Uncle Bruce was there as well with his two kids, Brian and Halley[1]. Lyuda, Avrora, and I represented the New Mexico Bairds. We brought okroshka and have a demand in the queue for the recipe. It's coming! Promise! But not this week. Why?

Well, the next day was Mother's Day. Lyuda had to study a lot. I had to get a lot of stuff done around the flat. However, Avrora and I made her breakfast in bed and gave her the gift we'd gotten her. The one that she's taking advantage of right now: I bought my wife a cruise down to the Mexican Riveria all by herself. She had been asking if it might be possible to go on a cruise for, well, almost as long as we've been married. One of the biggest problems has been that I can't take off as much as I'd like. That job thing. Annoying, ain't it? Anyways, so, Lyuda busted her rumpus maximus for class this semester and so...I got her a trip to relax all on her own. No Avrora. No me. Just her. Just fun for a week. We took her down to the airport a bit ago. Avrora wasn't too happy, but I prepared. Lyuda flight was at 11 and so I brought back my daughter and we proceeded to snuggle up to watch "Happy Feet", eat some popcorn, sip juice, and munch on bananas. Now, she's napping. With luck, I'll keep her busy through this evening so she won't have time to dwell on "Mommy's not here".

One week. Wish us luck and Lyuda some good fun.

1. Both competitive swimmers. Bairds have a hard time staying away from swimming, reading, German, and the military.

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