Friday, May 04, 2007

The Debate Last Night

I haven't finished watching it. I have it tivoed and I am half way through. I'll go backa nd watch it all again with my wife. Two impressions I couldn't shake nor put a finger on why I had them:
Huckabee reminded me of Nixon and Gilmore of Lyndon B Johnson.
I am not sure why.

Candidates have started taking negative points, but none came across with positive ones so far. I wish I'd not missed the Demobrat debate so I could compare it to the Repugnant one.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    You didn't miss much, although Gravel -- like Paul -- seemed a throwback to a less jingofied era.

    Also there was Kucinich's smokin' hott wife.

  2. Lyuda and I watched more of the Repugs. McCain sounded like a record that got stuck. Paul sounded like he was from a time warp as you noted. Those impressions I noted above merely intensified. I could almost see Huckabee saying, "I am not a crook." Truly strange.

    I have to say that as much as anyone did - and none ever covered themselves with glory much - Romney won the debate. boggle. Guiliani and McCain didn't come off well at all. Noel's hypothesis of senility for McCain definitely bounced around my head while watching. *sighs*
