Friday, July 20, 2007

Query: Where to Host a PDF?

I have slides from a presentation that I attended a couple days ago. I am getting a little frustrated because I want to upload them somewhere so I can share them: it's about HPC architectures and manycores by John Shalf where I work. It's derived from his presentation at the International Supercomputing Conference just a few weeks ago.

The problem is that I need a place to host it online. Geocities, where I cached Mike Wehner's presentation before, won't take files more then 8 MB. This presentation is about 27MB in size. Anyone have a suggestion where to host it?

'Overturning the Conventional Wisdom for the Multicore Era: Everything you know is wrong'

Abstract: The recent trends in the microprocessor industry have important ramifications to the design of petaflop-scale computing systems. In the past decade the industry has seen microprocessor clock frequencies double every 18 months, which allowed HPC to continue with modest increases in concurrency. As the pace of processor clock rate improvements continues to slow, the microprocessor industry has moved to doubling the number of processor cores per chip every 18 months. Consequently, the path towards realizing petascale computing depends on riding a wave of exponentially increasing system concurrency. This is leading to reconsideration of interconnect design, memory balance, and I/O system design because our entire software infrastructure is built upon assumptions that are no longer true. This will have dramatic consequences for the design of future HPC applications and algorithms.
I have own commentary on this, but I need to find a place to put it up online first (free, please).

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